Long and Crooked Lakes Association

Annual Meeting Agenda

August 22nd 2021 4:30pm


Please renew your annual membership at the front table before the meeting begins :)

1. Call to Order- Randy Thole

2. Introductions

a. Officers

i. President- Randy Thole until 2022

ii. Vice President- Irene Wilcox until 2020 (2021)

iii. Secretary/Treasurer- Theresa Ferkinhoff until 2021

b. Directors

i. Environmental Director- Jim Sorenson

ii. Communications Director/WebMaster- Tara Zieglmeier

c. Association Members

3. Treasurer's Report- Theresa Ferkinhoff

a. Acceptance of Treasurer's Report

4. Water Monitor Report- Kris Miller and Sean Zieglmeier

5. Environmental Directors Report- Jim Sorenson

a. Water Level, Wildlife, Fish Census Summer of 2022, Sunny Limit

6. LCLA Ongoing Communication- Irene

a. New logo, Website, Social Media, PO Box, Newsletter, Yard signs

7. Membership Building Events- Randy

a. Would someone like to host next year's National Night Out?

8. Drainage Ditch #10 Survey- Irene

9. Officer Election/Volunteers

a. Vice President

b. Treasurer/Secretary

c. Communications Director/Webmaster

10.Member Questions and Discussion

11. Adjournment