Long & Crooked Lakes Association Annual Meeting Minutes


Jun 26, 2022


  1. The meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm by President Randy Thole. 

  2. Introductions were as follows:

  1. Officers:

i.   President-Randy Thole

ii.  Vice President- Irene Wilcox

iii. Secretary/Treasurer- Theresa Ferkinhoff


  1. Directors:

i.  Environmental Director- Jim Sorenson

ii. Webmaster- Tara Zeiglemeier was absent from the meeting. 


3.  Treasurer’s Report-Theresa Ferkinhoff: 

a. As of June 26, 2022 the checking account contained a total of $5,190.75.

i. One deposit of $715.00 was made on Sept. 30th

ii. Two payments totaling $516.17 

iii. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. 

4. Reports: 

  1. Meeting Minutes:  The meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting were posted and approved. 

  2. Water Monitor: Kris Miller reported on Crooked Lake

i.  May 19th- 19ft

ii. June 26th- 16/17 ft. 

iii. Kris also reported that Crooked Lake was picked to do some water sampling for the DNR and she will be taking the samples. 

  1. Water Monitor: Sean Zeiglemeier was absent from the meeting but reported the following on Long Lake water clarity:

    1. June 2022- 16ft 

  2. Loon Report: One baby is alive and healthy on Long Lake but the babies did not make it on Crooked Lake. Tony Thole reported that he made a nest for the loons on Crooked lake but was unable to get it out on the lake in time this year. 

  3. Environmental Report- Jim Sorenson:

i. Water level on Long Lake is 6 inches lower than when he checked in 

May. He indicated that we lose ½ inch of water on windy days. 

ii. No invasive species have been reported. Grand Lake now has zebra 

muscles so please keep boats clean. Irene encouraged people to 

check their boats and docks in the fall. 

  1. Wildlife: 

i. Plenty of deer, black bear spotted in backyard on Crooked Lake, coyotes, fox, otters, and owls. 

ii. The DNR conducted a fish census this spring and took a bass sample but the data has not been received. There is no planned full fish report scheduled for either lake. 

iii. Sunny Limit: Irene spoke with DNR about lowering the sunny limit from 20 to 10. The county is not considering it at this time. 

5. Fundraising: 

  1. Beaver Island- a Beaver Island fundraiser was not able to be planned this summer. Looking to hold one during the winter. 

  2. T-shirt Fundraiser- Irene volunteered to order t-shirts with the LCLA logo to be purchased as a fundraiser. The shirts are $15.00 and $8.00 will go to the lake association. 

6. Lake maintenance: 

  1. Buoy change: The current buoy’s in the channel say danger and should say “No Wake,” the DNR will be coming out to change them accordingly. 

  2. Landing parking: The sign for the third parking spot has been missing since sometime this winter. Irene called the Linden township and is having it added to the agenda. The Linden township is unsure if they will cover the expense. 

  3. Watering from the lake: Laura Horn has volunteered to provide information on watering tips and pollutants to our water system.


7. National Night Out: Tuesday, Aug 2, 2022. Judi Manea has volunteered to host. 


8. Officer Elections: 

  1. Current positions open for election: President, Treasurer/Secretary, and Webmaster. The Vice President position is up for re-election. 

  2. Randy Thole is stepping down as President and will remain as a member of the board for the next two years. 

  3. Irene Wilcox will replace Randy Thole LCLA president leaving her spot of Vice President open for election. No volunteers for that position were offered. 

  4. Theresa Ferkinhoff is stepping down as Treasurer/Secretary and Tim Melrose volunteered to take over the position. The motion was accepted to make Tim the new Treasurer/Secretary of LCLA. 

  5. Tara Zeiglemeier is stepping down from the Webmaster position and Kris Miller volunteered to take over in this position. The motion was accepted by the group. 

9. Open Discussion: 

  1. LCLA involvement: Anne questioned how we get more people involved. More community activities were suggested as a way to increase involvement.

  2. Moving the annual meeting to spring or winter may increase the number of attendees at the meeting each year. Suggestions were made to have the meeting at the Beaver Island Fundraiser or at the Legion rather than on the beach. 

  3. Laura Horn enquired about allowing residents to bring concerns to the board or can we create a mission statement about the annual meeting and it’s purpose. It is difficult to hear everyones concerns and as a lake association, we can’t force residents to change their behaviors. 

  4. Association Dues: Do we need to make people pay to come to the meeting? Past concerns were raised about residents not paying their dues and voicing opinions. 

  5. Julie Steinkraus: Can we change the sign? This would need to be a non-lake association project. Julie and Randy can look into determining level of support and the cost of replacement.

10. Date of next annual meeting to be determined. 

11. Meeting was adjourned by Irene Wilcox at 5:13 p.m.