Long & Crooked Lakes Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2016




Ken Bachofer, President

Dan Torgersen, Secretary/Treasurer

Judie Manea-Baker, Vice-President

Dave Weeres, Lake Management Plan Director

Bob Payne:  Environmental Director

Doug Kantor, Webmaster

Greg Koenigs, Immediate Past President

Justin Westrup, invited guest and beaver trapper



1.       The meeting was called to order by Ken at 6:35 pm


2.       Lake Management Plan (LMP) Update

a.       The plan has been revised.  It will be circulated via email to the BOD and the BOD will vote on it at the next meeting.

b.      The DNR 10-year fish study in underway now and be incorporated in the LMP.

c.       The permanent Bass Slot limit is in place and will also be incorporated in the LMP.


3.       Use of Long Lake for Testing Boats

a.       Can the public access be used for commercial purposes?  Dan will talk to Lynden Township (Anne Ackerman).  If a legal opinion is needed, Township can ask the Township Attorney, Mike Couri.


4.       Beaver and Muskrat Trapping

a.       Justin is trapping beaver now.  The trapping season is open until May 15.

b.      Muskrat trapping is now closed.

c.       BOD agreed to pay Justin the bounty of $40/beaver on the lakes proper.

d.      The BOD will revisit trapping and the bounty after the current season closes and before the beaver trapping season opens in October.


5.       AIS Grant from Stearns County

a.       All AIS Grants from Stearns County for 2016 have been paid.

b.      Note:  the DNR had no money for AIS Grants in 2016 and probably will not in 2017.

c.       A W-9 is needed for a Grant Application.  The question was asked if the Grant funding could be given to Lynden Township and the Township transfer to LCLA.  Dan will check with Anne.

d.      Subsequent to the meeting, Bob contacted Susan McGuire (Stearns County).  She said the Rapid Response Plan submitted along with the Grant Application looked very good and did not need anything additional (like photographs).


6.       DNR AIS Watercraft Inspection

a.       We will file again prior to January 2017.



7.       Tax Exempt Status

a.       It was agreed that LCLA will not file to become a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.


8.       Educational Opportunities for AIS

a.       There are two educational sessions (April and October 2016) for watercraft inspections and AIS.  There is a cost associated with each.

b.      The BOD determined we will not sponsor any LCLA member for the training.


9.       Group Training for volunteer AIS helpers at the access.

a.       The DNR will do this for free.

b.      Bob will call the DNR (Tina) and find out the training content, how many people, can it be before fishing opener and other similar questions.

c.       Bob also got a contact from Stearns County (Susan McGuire) for training by the DNR.  That person is Evan Freeman.


10.   E Coli update

a.       It has been determined that the E Coli impairment is between Warner Lake and the Mississippi.  There is no problem and Long and Crooked Lakes or Warner Lake.


11.   Website update – email aliases

a.       Doug offered to set up email aliases on the LCLA website and then forward to the personal email addresses.  All this would necessitate is that the BOD members agree to this and to provide Doug with their personal email addresses.


12.   Annual Meeting Planning

a.       Tabled until next meeting.


13.   Access signage

a.       The #1 parking space sign and post is gone.  Need to replace.

b.      Have an LCLA representative ask the Township for an agenda spot at the 4/4/16 meeting and ask that the Township pay for the replacement.

c.       Move the No Parking sign to another place.

d.      Subsequent to the BOD Meeting, Bob Payne asked people to meet him at the access to determine exactly what needs to be done.  If signs are to be moved, do we need permission from the County or the Township to do this?


14.   Do we want trash containers at the access?

a.       This was a unanimous NO.


15.   Adjourned at 8:30 pm.







Submitted by Dan Torgersen