Long & Crooked Lakes Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, November 30, 2015




Ken Bachofer, President

Dan Torgersen, Secretary/Treasurer

Doug Kantor, Webmaster

Bob Payne:  Environmental Director

Greg Koenigs, Immediate Past President

Justin Westrup, invited guest and beaver trapper



Judie Manea-Baker, Vice-President

Dave Weeres, Lake Management Plan Director

Jim Sorenson – invited guest

Dick Nohner – invited guest



1.       The meeting was called to order by Ken at 6:10 pm


2.       Beaver Dam Update

a.       Justine has trapped two beavers; one on Long and the other on Crooked.

b.      Agreed to pay Justine $40.00 per beaver for the two already trapped.

c.       BOD agreed to pay $40.00 per beaver on an ongoing basis.

d.      Dan to get name and contact information for person that bought Lumley’s property and give it to Justin so he can ask permission to access the beaver dam on Crooked using the property.


3.       Muskrat trapping

a.       BOD unanimously agreed to pay Justin $5.00 per muskrat up to a limit of $250.00. We will revisit this at the January BOD Meeting.


4.       AIS Control Grant

a.       The Lake Association should apply for a grant, even though Long and Crooked currently do not have AIS.

b.      Stearns County and the DNR have significantly reduced funds available for AIS, it is unlikely the Lake Association will get a grant.

c.       As part of application process, we need to update the Lake Management Plan which was last reviewed and revised in 2010.  A copy of the Lake Management Plan should be sent to Dave Weeres.

d.      A presentation of the review and revision will be made at the next BOD meeting.


5.       Bass Slot Limit

a.       The bass slot limit has increased the bass length about 2” from 2001 to 2015.

b.      At the Annual Meeting of LCLA, it was voted to keep the bass slot limit the same as current.  BOD ratified this decision.



6.       Next Board Meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, January 5 at Dan Torgersen’s house.






Submitted by Dan Torgersen