Long & Crooked Lakes Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda,

January 9, 2018



Ken Bachofer, President

Judie Manea-Baker, Vice-President

Dan Torgersen, Secretary/Treasurer

Bob Payne:  Environmental Director

Greg Koenigs, Immediate Past President

Dave Weeres, Lake Management Plan Director

Dick Nohner, Director at Large


1.       The meeting was called to order by Ken Bachofer at 6:37 pm

2.       The August 29, 2017 Meeting Minutes were approved

3.       The September 10, 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved.

4.       Treasurer’s Report

a.       Checking Account Balance, 1/9/2018 is $4,817.80

b.       Dues collected in 2017 was $670.00 (32 households)

c.       In 2017, 5 beaver ($40 per beaver) and 53 muskrats ($5 per muskrat) for a total of $465 were trapped by Justin Westrup.

5.       Old Business

a.       The Application to Stearns County for ordinance for no wake zone in channel with accompanying recently received photographs will be sent to the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office (copy attached).

b.       Dredging channel between lakes (Dick Nohner)

                                                               i.      The owner of the land, Jeff Drown, Lyon Contracting Inc., 3601 18th Street S, Suite 103, (the old Lumley farm) gave permission to use his land to access the channel for dredging.

                                                             ii.      Due to significant costs and complex permitting requirements, this project is dropped.

c.       AIS updates (Bob Payne)

                                                               i.      See attachment

                                                             ii.      Ask at the Annual Meeting if anyone would volunteer to become a Volunteer Detective.

d.       LCLA letterhead? Do we need and who could do it?

                                                               i.      Ask on Neighborhood Network and on Website for volunteers to design letterhead.

                                                             ii.      Would need to be in color and also in monotone.

                                                           iii.      Offer a $50 payment for winning design.

e.       Use of chemicals for weed control in Environmental Lakes (Dick Nohner)

                                                               i.      Environmentally classified lakes such as Long and Crooked cannot use chemicals for weed control.

f.        Anne Ackerman asked if we plan to form a Lake Improvement District.   The answer is no.  It is too expensive and would require broad lakeshore owner acceptance.

6.       New Business

a.       New webmaster (David Weeres)

                                                               i.      Dave has spoken to Tara Zieglmeier, an IT professional, if she would be willing to do it.  She has given a tentative acceptance.

                                                             ii.      She will be invited to attend the next Board meeting

b.       Randy Thole volunteered at the Annual Meeting to coordinate AIS training.  He will be invited to the next BOD Meeting.

c.       After some success at increasing membership, what next?

                                                               i.      Judie suggested a purely social event, probably in June.

                                                             ii.      Could use Telcom $100 contribution to fund event.

                                                           iii.      Planning and details for this event will be an agenda item at the next BOD meeting.

7.       Other new business

a.       Spring Newsletter

                                                               i.      Want to do this again.  Ken will create.  Topic at next BOD meeting.

b.       Bob Payne resignation as Environmental Director

                                                               i.      Persuaded Bob to continue as Environmental Director on a month-to-month basis

8.       Adjourn